My book

My book was published in German in July 2021.
A translation into English is now available  
as special edition. You can download it 
as pdf-file for free by clicking here,   

            Rethink - perceive freshly

It contains illustrations with graphical representations of the “quantum model”. This model was developed by me and clearly shows, that all processes in the material world and in our experienced world follow a fundamentally similar pattern, and that all of these processes are always inextricably linked to one another via a common source.

Short description of the book:
Perceiving is communication with the world.
The idea that in this lively exchange the material world is not only involved, but is also alive itself, has a long tradition in human history. Even today, indigenous peoples view not only people, animals and plants as living, but also light, air, water and stones. With the triumph of natural science, this idea has been almost completely suppressed.

Quantum physics has now rediscovered this liveliness 
and describes matter as a sequence of living, creative processes. These processes follow a fundamental pattern and create not only the material world, but also everything we perceive, think and feel, fresh and new in every moment. This holistic view of a living reality not only gives us orientation and help in everyday life, but also offers the opportunity to build bridges between natural sciences and religions.

Graphics, videos and short essays connected to the topics of my book can be found on this website under navigation "english".


The author 
Gerd Köhler studied mechanical engineering at the Technical 
University of Munich. He worked 
as a teacher at a technical school 
and as a development engineer in various companies. 
Since 1982 he has been a student 
of the Tibetan meditation masters 
Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.
Gerd Köhler lives in Hamburg.

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